Tanmayo says:- I really like your bookmark concept for advertising your forthcoming exhibition. It looks great. I am looking into the info you have supplied me with. I will connect with you on Facebook. I am about to release a 3 min video and my book is also about to happen within the next few weeks so its a bit overwhelming. Wishing you all the best for future exhibitions and see you when you are back in Buderim. Cheers, Tanmayo.
Tanmayo says:- I really like your bookmark concept for advertising your forthcoming exhibition. It looks great. I am looking into the info you have supplied me with. I will connect with you on Facebook. I am about to release a 3 min video and my book is also about to happen within the next few weeks so its a bit overwhelming. Wishing you all the best for future exhibitions and see you when you are back in Buderim. Cheers, Tanmayo.