Thursday, December 1, 2011

Almost a DISASTER getting to Red Dot Miami

Do You Ever Check Your
Baggage Tags When Flying?

I am currently an exhibitor at Red Dot Miami Art Fair,
but my paintings almost didn't make it to Miami.

We (my husband and I), were all set, checked our bags in at LAX
including my two paintings that were very well wrapped and
protected in an extra large art satchel. I might add this cost
an extra $200 because it was oversize and required
to go in the oversize luggage area.

We dropped the paintings off at the oversize luggage area
and raced off to the lounge to enjoy some breakfast
and much needed coffee after our early start.

This was my first time at Red Dot Miami
and I don't think I needed that coffee, my adrenalin
was already pumping, I was so excited.

My husband and I arrived in Miami, collected our suitcases
and proceeded to the oversize luggage area to collect my paintings.
We waited for some time and my husband decided to check the
luggage tags that were attached to our tickets...
just in case we should need them. I heard an "OH NO!"...
I looked at my husband who was holding up the luggage tag
so I could read it. "WHAT? that's not our name on the tag?"
 Even worse... they were on their way to
the Grand Cayman, not Miami.

A long story shortened... 
Luckily my husband is TSA approved and was able to pull
a few strings and talk to the right people - we got the paintings
back 2 days later at 4pm - opening night was at 6pm that day.

WE DID IT! We got the paintings there and hung them
just before the doors opened for opening night at 6pm.
There are a few more grey hairs on my head, but I am happy
and can relax now and enjoy this spectacular art show.

We will always check out luggage tags in future...
we are regular travelers, overseas several times a year
but wow... we sure learnt a lesson from this experience!

These 2 paintings at Red Dot Miami
The Heat of Summer I & II

Further Information at:

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